Colleen Flanigan

Socio Ecological Artist, TED Fellow

Miss Snail Pail
United States
Colleen Flanigan is a socio-ecological artist. Through visual, performing, and biological arts, she investigates contemporary issues of species endangerment and ecosystem regeneration, specifically coral reefs. Her work encompasses Living Sea Sculptures to restore devastated coral reefs, conversation-catalyzing alter egos, participatory multimedia exhibitions, VR, and more. She is a recipient of a TED fellowship for 2009, and SR TED Fellowship 2010.

Areas of Expertise

Coral restoration, Metal forming, relating to others, sculpture, snail cuisine

Colleen's bio is coming soon

We’re working on updating the info for all of our Fellows. Please check back later. In the meantime, you can learn more about Colleen on their website and socials.

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