Christopher Soghoian

Privacy researcher and activist

The Office of U.S. Senator Ron Wyden
United States
Dubbed the “Ralph Nader for the Internet Age” by Wired and “the most prominent of a new breed of activist technology researchers” by the Economist, Christopher Soghoian works at the intersection of technology, law, and policy. A leading expert on privacy, surveillance, and information security, Soghoian is currently a TechCongress Fellow, working for Senator Ron Wyden. Prior to that, he was the Principal Technologist at the American Civil Liberties Union. A TED Senior Fellow, Soghoian has been named a top innovator under 35 by the MIT Technology Review, and was an Open Society Foundations Fellow. Soghoian completed his Ph.D. at Indiana University in 2012, which focused on the role that Internet and telephone companies play in enabling government surveillance of their customers.

Areas of Expertise

Computer Science, Security, privacy & surveillance, civil liberties

Christopher's bio is coming soon

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